Anyone can make money online with a website but that money does not always come quickly or easily, you have to know what you are doing, or you have to know someone who knows what they are doing and perhaps pay them to help you. Making money with a website is not an art, it’s a science. There are certain formula’s you can follow and apply and if done correctly will put you on the road to making money online.
I am not going into great lengths of detail here, it is, as the title suggests, a very rough guide but the following are my seven tips to getting started with your new website project and hopefully this will contribute to helping you make money online:
1: Decide on your website topic – This is your “niche”, the main subject of your website. Choose something you are passionate about and enjoy writing about because you are going to have to write article upon article on this topic for a long time to come.
2: Design your website – If you have never done this before and are not a little technologically minded, be prepared for a long learning curve if you intend to do this yourself. If you want to get to the money making part as soon as possible, get someone else to help you design your website. My best advice is to use the WordPress blogging platform for your new website as this type of website will be search engine friendly and allow you to change and add content yourself when you need to through the means of your admin control panel.
A good web designer or a friend with some online experience should be able to help you set up a WordPress website in little time and show you how to login for changing content and updating.
3: Add content – To begin with, write four or five original articles on your chosen subject and add them to your website under your selected categories. Write your own articles from your own experience and knowledge, do not steal content from other websites as this will count strongly against you in search engines and damage your rankings.
4: Submit your website – Submit your new website address and details to as many search engines and online directories as you can find online, most of them offer free submissions. Don’t spend months on this part but a week or two of submissions will help you get indexed and start getting you your first trickle of visitors.
5: Sign up for google adsense – The google adsense programme allows you to display google ads across your website that will be relevant to your sites content. Note that you need to apply for displaying google adsense ads on your website and google have to first approve you before you can set everything up and start displaying ads.
6: Get the ads on your site – Providing google has accepted you into the adsense programme and will allow you to now start displaying google ads on your website you can now copy and paste the code from your adsense account into your web pages. There is a minefield of information on the best optimization for google ads within your website but when setting your ads up in your google adsense account just start with colours that match the rest of your website until you are more experienced.
7: Keep adding content – This is the key. You need to be constantly submitting original articles to your new website in order to attract a constant flow of visitors in the hope that they will come back again time after time and those visitors and other traffic will hopefully click on the occasional google ad which will in turn earn you money. The more content you build over time, the more traffic you gain and ultimately the more money you will make through your ads.
As I said earlier, a rough guide but hope you can get something from the tips above. Once your site is getting a constant flow of visitors you can look at other ways of making money with your website but I have used the google adsense programme as part of my tips because I have learnt that it is an excellent programme to get started with the whole make money online science.