One way to keep visitors coming back to your website or blog is with a small detail called the Favicon Icon.
Favicon’s are the small 16×16 pixel image you see in your browser address bar at the top and are a good way of having your site stand out from others that haven’t got one.
If you’re looking for mine it looks like this:
The biggest reason for having this little graphic in your address bar is for when a visitor bookmarks your site. If a visitor has a lot of websites in their bookmarks folder then you can make yours stand out better from those that don’t have one.
There’s a couple of different ways to create a favicon image but I’m going to give you the quickest and easiest.
1: Go to an online favicon image generator
2: Click on “Browse” and find the graphic you wish to use for your new favicon.
3: Click on “Generate Favicon”
4: Download the zip file
5: Unzip the file and find the favicon.ico image file
6: Upload the favicon.ico file to your servers ROOT directory
7: Insert the following HTML code somewhere between the <head></head> tags of your site
<link rel=”shortcut icon” href=”” type=”image” />
(Make sure you replace “” with your own URL)
That’s all there is to it although you may need to close and re-open your browser two or three times before you see your favicon.
When you’ve finished, bookmark a page on your site and sit back to admire your new little favicon standing out from the crowd.