Within this site I am trying my very best to share lots of useful tips on how to make some real money on the Internet in South Africa and beyond yet some people will waste their time chasing deceptive ways and methods of becoming successful online.
While there are those of us who definitely have what it takes and are in it for the long haul, I have taken this opportunity to put together my top 7 reasons why others will fail to make any kind of real money online.
1) Lack Of Passion: When you’re running a blog or an article related website you have to write what you’re passionate about because you need to enjoy it and you and your site have to stand the test of time.
2) No Patience: If you have no patience, don’t even think of trying to make money online, or starting any other kind of business come to that! You have to be prepared and willing to spend months of time nurturing things properly. You will not get rich overnight on the Internet.
3) Lack Of Action: There are those that Look and Chat and those that Observe and Act. If you’re one of those that chat with your mates in the pub about how your going to make a killing online but never do anything about it then rather just shut up and drink your beer. Or better still, go home and start acting on all that hot air.
4) Too Much Hopping: Some people tend to jump around from one business idea to the next and end up hopping all the way to nowhere! Find an online business idea you like and stick to focusing on making it profitable.
5) Easily Intimidated: To run an online business sometimes requires educating ourselves on some intimidating technical issues like designing or part designing a website and being able to implement add ons or plugins. It’s not going to help your online success if you are easily intimidated by having to learn a few basic technical skills.
6) No Business Approach: A business is a business. Whether it’s on or offline there are still similar basic business principles that apply to both. If you’re starting an online business with no former business skills under your belt prepare to be shocked and heading for failure. Rather get educated on how to set-up and start your own business and apply the same sort of rules to how you conduct your online affairs.
7) No RSS Subscription To This Blog: Here’s a “no brainer”! Believe it or not, some people have never checked out my online money making tips within this blog and advice on how to drive more traffic to a website. What’s even more unbelievable is they may have been to my blog but not made the decision to subscribe to my RSS and be in a position to never miss one of my real money making tips again!! Unreal ay? 😛
Ok joking aside, my advice – Take the bull by the horns.
If you see yourself in one or two of the points above, do not despair. You’re going to have to change and improve a few things but never lose hope and most importantly do not give up.
Don’t let anything discourage your excitement and determination to make some real money online, It IS possible.